(+855) 16484108
Jaya Smart Building 2nd Floor, Street 566, Boeung Kok 2, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh.


April 21, 2021

Dr Chheang Vannarith, President of AVI, attending the special session on the South China Sea Cooperation and New Order Construction at Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference on April 21

Dr Chheang Vannarith, President of AVI, attending the special session on the South China Sea Cooperation and New Order Construction at Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference on April 21. Pragmatism, functionalism, and trust-based cooperation are key to peace and stability in the SCS. Need to avoid legal fundamentalism and historical fundamentalism. The conclusion of...
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Our Cases

The Asian Vision Institute (AVI) is an independent think tank based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It aims to promote inclusive, adaptive and sustainable societies in Asia.

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The Asian Vision Institute (AVI) is an independent think tank based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It aims to promote inclusive, adaptive and sustainable societies in Asia.

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The Asian Vision Institute (AVI) is an independent think tank based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It aims to promote​ peaceful, inclusive, adaptive and sustainable societies in Asia.

The Asian Vision Institute (AVI) is an independent think tank based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It aims to promote​ peaceful, inclusive, adaptive and sustainable societies in Asia.