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Kingdom ‘has the right to choose’ aid sources

Minister of National Defence Tea Banh on May 31 explained the role that Chinese financial aid played in the construction of the Ream Naval Base, saying Cambodia has every right to receive development assistance from any country.

Tea Banh also reaffirmed that the government would not allow the presence of any foreign military bases in the Kingdom.

The minister hit back at a news report by US-based Radio Free Asia (RFA), which claimed he had confessed that Cambodia allowed China to develop the Ream Naval Base after the dismantling of the US-sponsored facility.

RFA linked the topic to the visit of US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy R Sherman, who is expected to meet with Prime Minister Hun Sen on June 1.

In an interview with The Post on May 31, Tea Banh said he did not confess anything but merely spoke the truth.

He said Cambodia has full rights to receive all kinds of aid necessary for the country’s development. For the construction of the Ream Naval Base, the Kingdom had to spend a great deal of time looking for financial assistance to build it.

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