(+855) 16484108
Jaya Smart Building 2nd Floor, Street 566, Boeung Kok 2, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh.


  1. TECHO 100 Villages is a flagship programme which aims to develop innovative and sustainable solutions to rural development issues in Cambodia and Asia. TECHO stands for Technology, Education, Cooperation, Humanity, and Ownership. The Model Villages, also known as growth centres, are part of a dots-connecting strategy, as they are interlinked and clustered together based on the inherent comparative and competitive advantages and development potentials of each village or region.

  2. Young Digital Leaders Programme is a forward-looking leadership training programme which aims to contribute to the development of digital economy and the realisation of a digital Cambodia through capacity building, knowledge co-creation, technological innovation, and professional networking among young digital leaders and entrepreneurs in Cambodia.

  3. Young Political Leaders Programme is an innovative training programme for Cambodia’s young political leaders from various political parties. The programme aims to contribute to the consolidation of democratic values and institutions in Cambodia through capacity building, trust building, and the promotion of political tolerance and pluralism.

  4. Women’s Digital Entrepreneurship Programme aims to empower and enhance the capacities of women entrepreneurs and female-led start-ups, including those from underprivileged rural areas, through the development of entrepreneurship and digital leadership skills, create knowledge sharing platforms on entrepreneurship and digital transformation, and promote social and professional networks.

  5. Sustainability Leadership Programme aims to equip the participants with new ways of seeing, feeling, thinking and interacting with their surrounding environment so that they can develop innovative and sustainable solutions to issues. The programme’s outcomes for the participants include nature-driven leadership value with new perspectives on nature-human harmony; leadership actions; informed decision-making ability; sustainability awareness; and knowledge about sustainable products and services development, cross-sector partnerships, and stakeholder transparency.

  6. Cultural Diplomacy training programme aims to equip the participants with a thorough understanding of the sources of origin and development of cultural diplomacy and the ability to identify cultural diplomacy in practice and to make contributions to the development and promotion of Cambodia’s cultural diplomacy potentials. At the end of the programme, the participants will be able to critically and holistically assess the performance of Cambodia’s cultural diplomacy, identify and fill in the gaps, and advance Cambodia’s cultural diplomacy to a new height.

  7. Geopolitical Analysis training programme for Cambodian journalists aims to introduce basic concepts and analytical tools of geopolitical and foreign policy analysis to young journalists aged under 40. After completing the programme, the participants will be equipped with analytical, reporting and writing skills on international news and politics.

  8. Angkor Social Innovation Park (ASIP) aims to develop and share knowledge on social innovation and provide sustainable and innovative solutions to local Cambodian enterprises through capacity building, innovation, upskilling or reskilling of enterprises. It conducts research and publication on social innovation, offers trainings on innovation to local enterprises, and provides consulting services on product innovation, service innovation, process innovation, digital marketing innovation, and financial innovation.