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Welcome to Ācāra Legal Podcast

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Welcome to Ācāra Legal Podcast

October 7, 2023 @ 10:00 - 17:00

The Centre for Advanced Research and Legal Studies (CARLS) of the Asian Vision Institute (AVI) is pleased to announce the launch of “Ācāra” – a legal podcast series co-organised with ASEAN Youth Advocates Network (AYAN) Cambodia and supported by WEduShare!

Ācāra is envisioned to be a legal podcast series dissecting various legal developments in Cambodia and Asia, and will garner legal scholars and practitioners to speak on the issues and challenges, and their vision of the law. Ācāra is named after a concept in Hindu law which refers to customary rules, or the unwritten law.

Season One of Ācāra is themed under the “Different Legal Dimensions of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)”. Each episode will touch upon different areas of Cambodian laws influenced by this overarching agreement.

This week, we are honoured to have His Excellency Professor Bundit Sapheacha Dr. SOK Siphana, Senior Minister of the Royal Government of Cambodia, as a guest speaker on our first episode, airing on October 7, 2023.


October 7, 2023
10:00 - 17:00
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