Mr. Vuthoun had been served as Civic Engagement Manager/Advisor to Pact Inc (International Non-governmental Organization) building solutions for human development that are evidence-based, data-driven and owned by the communities we serve. Being one of key organizational personals, he provides guidelines, and oversight the whole program on constructive civic engagement component. He has accumulated experiences in projects development to strengthen entrepreneurship ecosystem, developing policy briefs, and providing strategic inputs to advance the implementation of inclusive, innovative and sustainable development program.
Mr. Vuthoun had been working with Local and International NGOs for more than 10 years in various roles and program units. He had experience working in relevant fields of capacity building, promoting civic engagement, democratic development, social accountability, and advocacy. He graduated with his master’s degree in Public Policy under NZaid scholarship at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand in 2018, and a master’s degree in Development Management at Norton University, Cambodia 2015.
Email : [email protected]