Having been involved in diplomatic career for almost a decade, Ms. HIM
SOTHEAROTH is currently handling numerous multilateral tasks related
to Mekong-led mechanism. Besides, she is a Lecturer at Department of
International Studies (DIS), Institute of Foreign Languages (IFL), Royal
University of Phnom Penh (RUPP), and a research fellow at Asian Vision
Institute (AVI). Her personal interests focus on evaluation of Official
Development Assistance (ODA), digital economy, political economy,
Mekong geopolitical studies, trade creation and trade diversification,
e-government, and innovative business canvas.
She received her M.A. in International Relations (IR) from Graduate
School of Asia-Pacific Studies (GSAPS), Waseda University, Tokyo,
JAPAN, and B.A. in International Studies (IS) from DIS, IFL, RUPP, Phnom