(+855) 16484108
Jaya Smart Building 2nd Floor, Street 566, Boeung Kok 2, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh.

Dr. Chheng Kimlong



Dr. Chheng Kimlong holds a PhD in Economics from the Australian National University, a Master in Economics from Kobe University, and a Master in Business Administration from Preston University. Dr. Chheng is Director of Centre for Governance Innovation and Democracy (CGID) of the Asian Vision Institute (AVI) and is Senior Researcher at the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS), Cambodia. He has had over 12 years of practical experience in quantitative and qualitative research and consultancy for local research think tanks and international development agencies. He has tracked and researched on key areas of Cambodian economy, including agriculture, trade, investment, financial sector, garment and footwear industries, oil and gas sectors, and real estate sector. He was Economic-Commercial Specialist for the United States Embassy in Phnom Penh from 2008 to 2012. Prior to that, he was Research Consultant at Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI), Research Assistant in charge of private sector and economic development at Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and Socio-Economic Specialist for aid-funded rural community development projects. He has been working extensively with the Cambodian government ministries and institutions at national and subnational levels, foreign governments, international development agencies, civil society organizations, and private sector. In addition, he has had many years of teaching economics and business classes and supervising undergraduate and post-graduate students at several private and public universities in Cambodia.